Dear members and partners; dear friends,

Adam Roczek, EUSA PresidentOn behalf of the Executive Committee of the European University Sports Association, I have the honour of inviting you to take part in the ordinary EUSA General Assembly which will be held in Madrid, hosted by the Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) and Spanish University Sport Committee (CEDU).



The main goal of the Assembly is to evaluate two years of activities governed by the Executive Committee, elected in 2016, as well as to approve activity plan and budget for next two years period. Strategic Dialogue with FISU is an essential part of the Assembly as the outcomes of the discussion will have significant impact on EUSA development.

The Assembly will listen as well presentation of candidates for organizers of the European Universities Games 2022 and 2024. During the Gala dinner we will not only pay the tribute to athletes, volunteers, Universities, EUC 2017 Organizing Committees and National University Sport Association but the solemn ceremony of awarding the bidding candidates with organization of the Games will be held.

I am looking forward to see you in Madrid!

Adam Roczek, EUSA President